Monday- rest day..adopted the 8:30pm bedtime and let me tell's awesome!!
Tuesday- I felt so good from my 8:30pm bedtime the night prior that I went to M2 spin and then managed to squeeze in a 25 minute run on the treadmill at the Bay Club!
Wednesday- Swum for the first time in...oh 10 days because of my rotator cuff issue. Felt rusty but at least it's not sore! Had an appointment with Dr. Rabbetz later that morning and it couldn't have been more painful! probably could have but I choose to block it out! Sharvanti worked on my left achilles, and the muscles along my left calve and my right glutes. The two things that made the pain bearable was me grabbing tightly onto the head bars of the therapy table and banging on right leg on the table as she is working on my left one! She worked on my shoulder but that wasn't nearly as bad as it felt last week! Dr. Rabbetz came in for adjustments and more checking..he scolded me for running on the treadmill. Apparently, the surface if a no no for me! And by scolding, I mean saying no in an exxagerated tone with a smile. He told me he was very proud of me and my quad muscles as they've become very toned. Don't try to butter me up Dr. Rabbetz! Your office is still the torture chamber in my eyes!!
Thursday- Did a steady 5 mile run to break in my new running shoes.. run felt a lot better than it has been!!
Friday- Did my second 45 minute swim (am only allowed two- 45 min. sessions a week for now due to shoulder) at the pool. ..felt good!
Saturday- Took day off but went to Sports Basement for some team bonding and to sing Happy 50th Birthday to Ironteamer Janice!
Sunday- Woke up early, drove our to the monkey bars of Crissy Field and started my 15 mile run. My last long run before Ironman. I ran over the Bridge which was full of women training for the Avon Breast Cancer walk, to downtown Sausalito, past Cafe Trieste to the Bay Model and back. If you had asked me to do this run two weeks ago, I would have cried because I was feeling so exhausted and sh*tty but now a bit recovered and climbing out of the dark hole, I had a good run and am happy to put that under my belt three weeks before race day!
Below are pictures from last week's Vineman Full!
Are Josh, Brian, Bobbie and Larry making fun of me (in orange sleeping bag) sleeping?

Swim- 1 hour and 30 minutes
Bike- 0 hours and 50 minutes
Run- 4 hours and 23 minutes
Total workout- 6 hours and 43 minutes
1 comment:
Treadmill can be hard on ankles. I like Elliptical better for me, but I am certainly not doing as much as you are.
Good luck with your training.
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